25 Things I’ve Learned in 25 Years

Since I’m turning 26 today and there aren’t enough of these lists out there already.

Allison Chang
2 min readMay 9, 2019
  1. Parkinson’s law: work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion. Time box everything.
  2. Risk taking is a necessary part of achieving outsized returns. Without it, you can live a happy and consistent life, but it is unlikely that you’ll have a major impact on the world.
  3. By and large, people become what they think of themselves.
  4. You can only make money by being right about something most people think is wrong.
  5. Complexity is a hidden tax on your energy.
  6. Impostor syndrome is a privilege. You can only be plagued by it if you’ve achieved success.
  7. When faced with hard decisions, there are seldom moments in which, deep in your center, you truly do not know.
  8. If nothing else, great leaders create clarity.
  9. Most people are neither for you nor against you; they are simply thinking about themselves.
  10. Nothing is more dangerous than yesterday’s success.
  11. “It’s not greed that drives the world, but envy.” — Warren Buffet
  12. All the benefits in life come from compound…

